

Dear Family,

This afternoon a decision was made by my dear alma mater, Talladega College, to send its glorious marching band to the inauguration of a man who believes in grabbing women "by their pussy;" a man who laughs openly, imitating the man with motor skills difficulty; a man who believes women are toys to push around and bully; a man whose hate for immigrants and people who don't live in penthouse suites will now occupy the highest office in the land.

The President and the Board of Trustees of Talladega College have just sold out 150 years of Talladega College history for "chicken change" (James Brown, "The Big Payback") and a tin star on a hate monger's parade route.

My grandmother taught me that my reputation was of great value in this life. She also taught me that once you sell it down river to the loudest highest bidder you can never get it back. I apologize to my ancestors for this foolish decision. I apologize to all my teachers at Talladega who raised me up with an eye on the greater good and not the shiny quarter rolling towards them on the ground.

— Nikky

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